Los Molinos

Los Molinos, a success story beyond our borders

We present to you one of the most recognised and successful brands in the Spanish market. Los Molinos is a benchmark brand in all department stores, but also in local supermarkets and convenience stores...

Los Molinos is one of the favourite brands among Spanish families for its value for money and wide range. This success has also been replicated in international markets, both in European countries and in other continents, thanks to the network of Félix Solís delegations that has more than 11 Sales offices distributed around the world.

The range of wines offered by Los Molinos is available in the main markets of the European Union, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Nordic Countries, Latin America…

A relevant success has been the commercial development of the brand in Asia. Most notably, China, where it has been present since 1998, when it became one of the first Spanish wineries to arrive in this country. Since then, the development of all the brands has been remarkable, especially Los Molinos thanks to its attributes of tradition, quality and innovation. As it happens, a couple of years ago they managed to sell 1 million bottles on one of the Chinese calendar milestone dates, “Singles’ Day”.

All this development is supported by the continuous wine tastings and contests in which our wines participate. In 2020, we have been awarded prestigious prizes, including Mundus Vini: Los Molinos Gran Reserva 2012; 2020 Berliner Wein Trophy: Los Molinos Gran Reserva 2012. We continue working to offer our followers the best quality and, of course, to become an ambassador brand for Spain beyond our borders.

Today is Happy Table Day!

New line of communication for Los Molinos to promote celebrations around the table

Today, on Happy Table Day, we are presenting the brand’s new line of communication. At Los Molinos, we are great supporters of family cooking, of sharing moments around the table, of enjoying the home. A cuisine and a way of understanding the traditional cooking that is so diverse and valued by our loved ones.  

If we had to write a manifesto, we would start with this sentence: “Let's bring back family meals, those little everyday moments that make everyday life much more bearable.” This all fits in a single sentence: Happy Table Day!

We are all familiar with the virtues of Mediterranean cooking. However, beyond its gastronomic benefits, we want to highlight the social benefits: enjoyment around the table in a home setting. It’s not just about enjoying good food but also about hospitality and proximity.

Meetings as the perfect excuse to get together with our loved ones, prolonging such gatherings to enjoy endless hours around the table, holding a glass of wine.

This year you’ll see us with this new communication campaign in leading national digital press and in general/kitchen magazines. We will also be appearing with an important sponsorship on television, which we will keep you informed about (it’s a secret for now).

At Los Molinos, we want you to continue celebrating many of the events that fill so many pages and news programmes: Valentine’s Day, World Environment Day, International Day of Families, Leave the Office Early Day or Skip the Diet Day… but don’t forget that daily celebration that will make you happy every day, Today… Happy Table Day! Happy Monday!, Happy Tuesday!, Happy Wednesday!, Happy Thursday!, Happy Friday!, Happy Saturday!, and Happy Sunday!

The Mediterranean diet and wine, a very healthy combination

We’d like to share in this post a few conclusions regarding the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and moderate wine consumption, extracted from the World Health Organisation report. A combination that brings us multiple health benefits.

Many of these reports originated in what was called “the French paradox” which found that death rates in France were much lower than in other countries, and other Mediterranean regions such as Spain or Italy. Further reports found that moderate wine consumption was able to offset the harmful effects of certain traditional ingredients of French cuisine, such as butter, a source of saturated fat.

In Spain, we are fortunate to live in a generous and bountiful land with excellent raw materials. In addition, our culture and education encourage us to look for moments in which to share good food with family and friends, which naturally emphasises not only the nutritional aspect, but also the social one.

If we had to summarise the key components of our diet, this is what we’d include:

  • Use of olive oil as the main base for preparing any dish and the key ingredient for dressing any raw foods such as salads and cold soups.
  • Prioritise foods of plant origin: fruit and vegetables.
  • Daily consumption of cereal-based foods and foods rich in carbohydrates.
  • Consume and prioritise seasonal products over others, respecting the cycles of the year.
  • Red meat and eggs in moderation, lots of fish, mainly blue fish.
  • Water, the essential drink, which contributes to our daily hydration, accompanied by moderate wine consumption: one glass a day for women and two for men. And what better option for this, than the range of wines offered by Los Molinos, young wines: redwhite and rosé and all the Crianza wines.
  • And of course, exercise and physical activity. “Mens sana in corpore sana.”  Cheers!